01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: How to pull of the smokey look 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

How to pull of the smokey look


Since i am 15,I am still not comfortable wearing in your face,obvious makeup.Well,except for lipstick and gloss but everyone wears lip stuff now.so it doesn't matter...anyways,I have always been fascinated by smokey eyes and most people here know that i am an eye makeup addict,so i am all the more addicted.
Smokey eyes come out differently on different people and different colors gives different looks too.Harsh black can give you a gothic look but a soft black can give you a sophisticated high fashion chic look.Browns and pinks can be used for day time,office purposes.If you are comfortable using colorful shadows when you go out you can use that when you go out to parties or something.

I have two signature smokey looks.A black one and a brown one.

Buh-Bye for now,

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