01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: Top 5 MakeUp Items Under Rs 300 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Top 5 MakeUp Items Under Rs 300

I was inspired by Mehak [from peaches and blush]'s post on IMBB about Top 5 Makeup Items Under Rs 200.But i thought that since my blog is my Point Of View as a teenager and even i can afford 300 bucks for a single product,Here are my top 5 favorite makeup stuff under Rs.300.

Yep! thats right,not even 50 bucks! its worth more than its price,the only thing i am not digging is the packaging.but thats fine because the shades,price and pay-off neautralises the bad packaging for this baby!Since it is so cheap,you wont feel guilty stocking up on it.

It has amazing flavors and shades,smells great,is not sticky and stays on for a good 3 hours and not to mention the price.What else is needed?!Its is my HG gloss.I have it in Shade Just Berry.

I got it recently and i am loving it.It has great texture,like whipped creame-Or mousse[DUH!] ,has great shades,blends dreamily and stays on for a fair amount of time.It does fade after a while but it doesn't just disappear or anything.

It is worth E V E R Y paise you give.Good payoff,staying power,doesnt crease,fair price and it comes in a quad that is color coordinated,so it is meant to go together.
I haven't heard so much hype about a product like this one.Every who used it gave it a positive review.I say its worth the hype! It doesnt give the 10x volume it offers-but it pumps the volume up,curls it and stays on until you apply water and rub it in.Wow right?!

I hope you liked this post and please leave your comments and follow me if you liked this post.By The way-i have a facebook page .check it out Here
Buh-Bye for now!

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