01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: Orange And Black Tutorial~request look # 2 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Orange And Black Tutorial~request look # 2

Here is the second request look i have done ,this time it is by BeautyDiva India and the request was an orange and black eyemakeup look and this was a rather unsual combo too[just like the grey and pink one last time].

So here is the look I came up with.

I love doing requests,if you have any Mail me at thebabblequeen@gmail.com OR join my FB page which i check frequently[Read :gazillion times a DAY] and leave requests there.I love nothing more than a challenge,the weirder and wackier the request,the more i wanna do it!!

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