01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: Where i have been,my marks +grey and pink look 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Where i have been,my marks +grey and pink look

So i did a post saying i was busy with exams.My exams ended on October 21st or something,but i was then super busy with a cultural programme at school,then there was the receiving of papers and all.So basically i had no time to blog ,much less to do a look.but i am back now,am gonna get back to m normal schedule now.And also i have started working out.I will do a more lengthy post about that later.My marks were all satisfactory,not quite upto my standard-but i did get the highest in english in my class,everyone wonders how my language got so good,only i know that it is the result of chatting and blogging waaaaaaay too much...:D :D :D :D :D

After a long time i had some free time on my hand on Friday as it was Diwali holiday so i decided to get to my requests...and the first one was from Ki over at Sense and Sensitivity, a Grey and pink combo eye makeup.So click here to see that look....

Oh and BTW i got awarded the One lovely blogger award again...how great is that????This time it was from Beautydiva from beautydivaindia...i have been a reader of her blog for a while now and it is really awesome...everyone should check it out definitely....since i already passed the award onto some people i don't think i am going to do it......

Anyways All i wanted to say was.................. I AM BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!

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