01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: I hit 100 Followers!!! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

I hit 100 Followers!!!


I just wanted to thank you all SO MUCH!!! i have hit 100 Followerss!!!!!!! i am so grateful!! My 100th follower is Mevish and i am linkin her blog here as a BIG thank you...i saw her blog for first time now and she is UHMAZING at makeup!! she is reaaaaaaaaally good!!!!!!! Everyone Go check her blog out too!! :) :) :) :) :)

and a HUMONGOUS THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KISSES!!! :) :)

is it obvious that i am happy and high??!!! :) :) :)

P.s. my last exam math is tomorrow..which is science and i am gonna be back with tutorials soon!!! i am planning to do a BIG makeup series..more information will be in a seperate post..(clue:iconic) :) :) :)

Buh-bye for now!!
Fath!ma :) :)

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