As you see from the title,i got the versatile blogger award!!!!YAY!!I was awarded by Mary from A little of this-a little of that,whose looks are really creative and posts are very funny AND My lovely friend sumitha from Be Beauty-licious who is a makeup addict and a nail-art fanatic!!!! Make sure to check them out both!!!This is my second award and i am really really happy to recieve this..!! YAY!! :) :) :) Thanks Girls! :)
The rules are
Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post.
Tell us 7 things about yourself
Award 15 recently discovered new bloggers
Contact these bloggers and let them know they've received the award.
7 things about me
I am a pretty good singer.I take part in music competitions and i have got prizes and all
I have NEVER used heat/products like mousse,hairspray to style my hair.
I love bitter dark chocolate more than normal milk chocolate
I always get my clothes custom stitched and I always design them myself and even draw out illustration and give it to the tailor.
I wear the hijab
My favorite disney character is Mulan.(she kicks ass and still manages to look cute doin that!!)
I am TOTALLY twilight obsessed-I own all the books,all the DVDs and own a custom twilight journal set and is on the look out for twilight action figures.:)
Many of my fellow blogger have already received this award,so there isn't 15 people i can pass this onto.But here are the wonderful girls who are yet to have received it: