01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: My First FalseLashes+My First Looks Using Them 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

My First FalseLashes+My First Looks Using Them

  I received three pairs of False lashes that was sent to me from KKCentreHK.I received it in almost 20-25 days time.But that is pretty efficient as it is coming from Hong Kong.The False-lashes I received is:

1 Pairs Unusual Black Luxuriant Premium Eyelashes [M76-A]

1 Pairs Middle Long Cross False Fake Eyelashes Lashes [M153-B]

1 Pairs Thick Straight & "V" Black Eyelashes Eyelash [M139-A],
and also:
Black Glue Cosmetic Lady Double Eyelid/EyeLash Glue [M82-A] which is a dual utility eye putty that works as a Eyelid Glue and Lash Glue.

I couldn't wait to try out the lashes.So I tried out 2 types on 2 eyes with different makeup too.

      I will do a more in-depth review on each and every product including the eyeputty too...soon enough!So far i am loving the M139-A very much,totally old school false lashes,.I love it!

And Don't Forget to enter my Sigma F80 giveaway Here
Buh-Bye For Now!

Disclosure:P.s.Falsies and Eye putty provided to me Via the Site for Review Purposes

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