01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: Saying good bye to google reader 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Saying good bye to google reader


By now,everyone and their cats know that Google reader is going to be no more.So I just wanted to let you all know alternate ways to follow me.I know I am not that Active,and i will be even less active since I am going away to college to do my UG Programme in Communicative English with..... wait for it........


Yes people,i am going to go professional with this thing...

But I am not giving upon this blog,it has showed the way to what I want to become in life,this is going to be around here for those who want to read my old posts,but i am afraid i may not post as often as i would like to.But i will try to do at least 3-4 posts every 2 weeks and schedule ahead at least when i come home.

But coming back to the point,

you can follow me on:

1) Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Buh-bye for now!

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