01 02 03 Babble Queen Diaries: Rihanna Inspired Lilac EOTD+My First Konadicure 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Rihanna Inspired Lilac EOTD+My First Konadicure


Rihanna is one of my most FAVORITE singer and makeup inspiration of all time!She is a chick who knows how to use Colors in her makeup and except for light foundations at times,her makeup looks are simply FAB! Here is a look Inspired by Her at a random red carpet appearance.I might be doing more looks from her soon,so be prepared for that!

My Version:

My look is lighter,more springlike and is more into the lilac side

Products used:

Also here is my first Konadicure using the M59 plate from bornpretty store:
(Click to enlarge)
I used a the pink from a local brand called LIVE which costs only 12 rupess but is of amazig quality and "siren red' from coloressence for stamping.I only did the stamping on one nail as i didn't have time,But i will surely do a more elaborate look now that i have the stuff!

Buh-Bye For Now!

P.S. a product mentioned has been provided by company for consideration

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